Saturday, October 31, 2009

Samhain Part I

Happy New Year and Merry Samhain, brothers and sisters!

WOW! This year’s Samhain was very fascinating. Indeed.

But first, I’m going to reminisce. I’ve had lots of wonderful Halloweens throughout my childhood.

In fact, when I was 6, I started wanting to be a real witch that Halloween. My brother, cousin Bri and I were all ‘witches’ in play. We each had a music recorder and they were our wands. But then Dad made us go home.
Anywho, I’ve been dressed up as many things in the past. Clowns, Witches, Vampires, even Power Rangers! Of course, as a child, I was happiest after Trick-or-Treating, when I was out of the cold, eating candy.
One year (I think I was 4 and Sam was 6), we were living with our Grandma and we grew our own pumpkins in her garden. It was really wonderful.

Now the story of last year. I dressed up early in the morning, but I ended up looking like a hooker.

So I changed into a vampire.

I went out Trick-or-Treating, because Mama and our friend, Jeff, wanted candy. It was real quiet and almost no one was out for some reason. I walked up a few streets and turned around to go on the other side. I came to this duplex, knocked on one of the doors … waited.

The door opens and there’s this lady who is swaying slightly. She gasps and puts her hands to her mouth. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it! Are you serious?”
I kind of look at her like … uh … what?
“Are you REALLY Trick-or-Treating? Seriously? Are you sure?”
I’m nodding and thinking I might want to make a run for it.
“Here, I made some chocolate cupcakes for all the little Trick-or-Treaters! Oh wow, our first Trick-or-Treater, I can’t believe it. Look, honey!” She’s talking to a man in his PJ’s who is sitting on their couch, watching TV. He has a beer in his hand and he’s talking to someone on a cell phone. He says into the phone, “Yeah, we just got our first Trick-or-Treater. She’s all excited about it.”
Then the lady brings a tray of cupcakes to me. Gives me one. Insists I take another. “I just want to give her the whole lot of them! I just want to throw them at her!” She stares at me in awe for a few seconds. “I love you! I just want to give you all the cupcakes!”
Finally her husband gets her to shut the door and I leave.

I threw the cupcakes away; No telling what was in them.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Look What I Can Do!

I can write a post here, promoting my new post on my other blog!
Yes, this blogpost is only to say that Miscellaneous Insanities has a new blogpost.
Okay, well ... almost. I also wanted to say that it is absolutely GORGEOUS outside. Bitter cold, but it is beautiful in the snowy mountains! Also, nestled in these very mountains, there are so many fairy parks and places with lots of wonderful activity.

Much Love

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bad Party Luck or No Alcohol Equals No Guests?

So I was joking with Sammy and Mama tonight about how it is very likely that no one will come over for the Samhain Stop-By on Saturday. Because it seems like whenever any of us plans a party or get-together, no one can make it or they're all busy or they're not busy and they just don't come over.

When people actually get themselves to visit, they absolutely love it and talk about how lovely and peaceful and wonderful it is here with us. So why don't they come more often?

Well, we noticed that the only two times when everyone seemed to show up was when either someone brought alcohol or we had bought some beers or wine or something for the guests. You see, Sam hates the taste of alcohol, I don't much like it, either. Mama is allergic. A sip of beer makes her woozy. So we don't often have alcohol. Not only that, we don't see the point in drinking fermented stuff that is unhealthy for you.

Now ... if this is true, that people will only go to parties when there is alcohol, that is really very stupid. And I don't hate to say that. Drunk people act like idiots and what they find funny is only funny to those who are drunk (or stoned ... same thing there). People who are just nervous or socially uptight without something to focus on, without something to relax them, should know that if they are creative, they can relax and enjoy themselves without alcohol. Hell, at our house, if you're needing something to relax, we'll set you up with Unwind tea and you can even take a warm bubble bath for all we care.

Anyway, I could go on about how retarded (and I mean that by the definition of the word) only going to parties with alcohol is, but I would be repeating myself with different words. So what I'm going to say now is this:

At our house, the atmosphere is usually so peaceful that there is no way to be uptight after a few minutes. We have really good energy here. Not only that, but there is little-to-no friction between Sam, Mama and I. We are friends more than we're blood-family. As a result, there is no familial tension in our house. We accept you for who you are in the stage of life you're in, so there is no need to worry about what we'll think. But please, don't avoid our get-togethers like the plague just because we don't serve a drug. Be aware. On a blessed night such as Samhain, I'd think that you'd want to be aware enough to see any fairies or spirits that come a-callin' ... and remember them the next day, as well. I know I do. And I know that I want to be clear-headed on a very holy night like that one is.

Blessed Be

Samhain Stop-By

Okay, so I have nothing going for Samhain. I'm gonna get dressed up and probably go trick-or-treating (I'll tell you the story of why in my Samhain blogpost), but other than that there's not much.
So I'm opening my house. Well, technically, it's Mama and Sammy and I's house. But we love visitors and people love our house ("It's so peaceful!") but they never come by. Which is annoying. When we invite someone to stop by, we mean that. But they don't get it.

Back to what I was saying! Folks in Colorado can come by after 10am on October 31st. After midnight, I'd like to go to sleep, though. You can just stop by sometime between those hours or stay and visit for however long. We'll have tea water and coffee. Bring a snack or your favorite kind of tea, if you want. Or not. Just bring yourself.

If it's not too wet and if I'm (or Sam, if he's not working) not too lazy, there might be a fire in the firepit.
We do have a dog who is very hyper. His name is Stick, and he is a Pootalian. No joke. That's a new breed, which is made from Miniature Poodle and Italian Greyhound. So he's a hyper lap dog. When you walk through the gate, he'll jump up and snap his teeth in your face, but don't be scared. He just likes the sound. He would NEVER bite someone (heavens-to-Betsy, no)!

So for directions or answers to any questions, email me at
I check my email every day, so you'll get a reply directly. OR! If you have my phone number, you are welcome to give me a call, as well.

Blessings and Belches

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meet Another Fajr Witch

After each blogpost from here on out, look to see who wrote it at the bottom. I have a new contributor! My lovely sister, Leyla Fajr, is a new Wiccan/Witch/Pagan/Chick ... well, I mean she's not a spring 'chick', but um. You know what I mean.

Much love!
So I need to give a shoutout to my surrogate Uncle Azzerac, and his lovely partner, Carmin.
They own an online Premium Occult Supplies store, Lodestone & Lady's Mantle. They also hold Occult Science classes at a local bookstore and a weekly Sunday Witch 'n Bitch at a local cafe (during the cold season. Summer, there is hiking).

So I was reading their latest blogpost. And I decided to give a shoutout to John Unger, as well.
Anyone who reads this, please pass this on or buy one of his beautiful pieces of work to help him out in his case.



Wow, you know, it is amazing how people can claim to follow a loving religion and just spend so much time arguing about how they're right and you're wrong. You may be thinking that I'm talking about Christians, but I'm also talking about the so-called Pagans. 

I have been listening to some really lovely Pagan music on YouTube, lately. In the comments for a good many of the videos, everyone was blessing each other and being very loving and such. But the more videos I watched, the more comments I found (sometimes 2000 comments for one video) that were just arguments.

This is really stupid, my brothers and sisters. What is this? Someone comes and makes an ignorant comment about how they feel that we're all devil-worshipers and sure you can point this person toward truth, but leave it at that! There is no NEED to keep commenting and commenting and trying to convince them. You're not going to change how they think and how they feel, okay? And then, when you are trying to convince that we are loving, you start being quite rude and insulting. Give us a good name. Nice.

So I went to this one video where this was happening and decided to do a little experiment. I was going to say something that I hoped would 1) take the wind out of the Christian's sails and 2) show my brothers and sisters that we should be peaceful.

I started with something that's been said before, as an introduction:

"You know what I think? I think this is really very silly! No matter what TheWiccanRaven or cfactsrfacts or Aamria or Gandalf4173 or AstralMelody or USBOwl says, it will make no difference. Do you pagans really think that arguing the point will change the way christians think? I hope you have the sense to see otherwise. And do you christians really think that arguing YOUR point will change the way PAGANS think? I certainly hope you have the sense to see otherwise, as well. Be peaceful, loves!"

This got a thumbs up.
The Christian that everyone was arguing with replied to this:

"I do not argue...I tell the truth!
Jesus is Lord the true and living God.
It is up to you to take of the blinders and see His as the truth He is before it is to late.
And yes I know that what I do on here and other sites makes a difference...I got the emails to prove how many lives Jesus changes!
Just shows that Jesus is much bigger then satan and his demons.
God Bless!"

This got two thumbs down.
And so I replied:

":) I agree that Jesus is much bigger than evil, hun. Love always survives in the end (hopefully, heh). May your God bless you and Jesus watch over you, lovely."

Two thumbs down.
Our Christian friend said nothing else to me, but it seems that our Pagan friends didn't like what I said. Why is this? I feel it is fascinating how we can be so damn loving to some people. But when one of us is in an argument and someone else comes and difuses the situation, it just makes ya so mad!

I don't believe in God. I think Jesus was just a typical enlightened being many years ago. I'm not a Christian. However, this is how he feels, so I hope that his belief in God will bless him. Let him believe what he wishes, same as we will believe what we wish.

Blessed Be to All


If you have any experience at all with my other blog, Miscellaneous Insanities, you know full well that I am missing something up in the attic. Or maybe there's too much stuff up in there, who knows. Well, this new blog of mine is more the style of sane witcheries. Ya know, normal stuff? Haha, right.

Here, I'll be writing posts that have anything to do with Witchcraft, Paganism, Wicca, Earth Religions, etc., so on and so forth, ad nauseum!

Please note that I may be writing many of these posts after normal people go to sleep, which means that either I'll have some real insights (especially if I'm half asleep. Don't ask, I don't know how it happens) or what I have to say will make absolutely no sense, whatsoever.

Feel free to comment and tell me I'm insane. Although, if you say that, it'll be a boost to my ego. Keep in mind, please, that if you say something in comments that is negative or rude or something, I might just say something that makes no sense or something that takes the wind out of your sails. Or I might just delete your comment, if I really feel like it.

May the Deity of your choice, if you believe in any, bless you, if you so wish to be blessed!