Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer Solstice

Greetings everyone! I see we have a few more followers to the blog - Welcome!
I know it's been a while and it probably will be a while after this post before I write another one, so I won't mention time again. It gets redundant and having no time to write is the way of this world these days....
My summer solstice was a bit of a hard one, as it was the last day I saw a dear friend of mine before he left to join the Navy. I wouldn't say that I celebrated, though I wouldn't say it was a bad day, either. I learned a lot and every day, be it hard or happy, changes me. Unfortunately, I didn't shield very well and so every emotion that others felt hit me hard. I, of course, was clueless until later when I realized what was going on, and was wondering why I was feeling such strong dread and depression that day. I knew it couldn't have been my own emotion and it wasn't.
I know from experience that the Sabbats open me up to different perceptions and things, so next time I'm sure I'll be aware enough to shield and know the difference between what is happening inside me and what is happening inside others.
So this Solstice really was a blessing, even if it didn't feel very good at the time.

How was your Summer Solstice, everyone?

As far as other things go, I've been super busy working two jobs, and that is the main reason I have not been able to write on my blogs. Soon I'm looking to get internet at home again, so I'll have more time after work to relax and write before bed (I usually have to go to the library to get online).

I hope all is well with all of you.
Lots of love and love you lots.

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