Thursday, April 8, 2010

Long Time....

I know, I know! I haven't written for a long time, but (here come the lame excuses) I haven't had internet so I have to go to the library to get online and I keep forgetting and ... stuff....
Hush, I'm back. Mostly.
In witchy news, one of my sisters has decided to become a witch! After over a year of debating, she finally (happily, I might add) became a Christian witch. Her name, Neviah, is Hebrew for 'Prophetess'. That should tell you quite a bit about her. Mayhap I can get her to write here, as well!
I finally was able to go on a Sunday hike with Witch-N-Bitch last weekend, which was very lovely. I was so determined to go to class the following Tuesday, but forgot until 10pm when it was over. Buggrit! Next time, I hope!
That is about all that is new in my witchy world right now. What about all of you?